Jared and the others continued their pursuit of the telepathic beast. Despite running for an entire day, the telepathic beast showed no signs of stopping.

Catina glanced at the telepathic beast running ahead and asked, “Does this telepathic beast know where it’s going? Where is it headed?”

“We are nearing the borders of Forlisle. Beyond this point lie the territories of the Five Great Sects. Once we pass through their territories, we will be leaving Demonia Mountain,” Igor explained.

Igor was also puzzled as to why the telepathic beast had led them all the way here.

“Forlisle? Is that where the Summers family resides?” Jared inquired. Igor confirmed, “Yes, the Summers family resides in Forlisle.”

the ones who attacked Blood Spirit Valley?” Jared asked,

Blood Spirit Valley. Even if the entire Summers family mobilized, it wouldn’t be easy to destroy Blood Spirit Valley. Their strength lies in magecraft, not physical combat. Besides, Blood

running in this direction. Besides Forlisle, what else is in this direction?”

Henningsen family is considered the most prominent family

heard of it. Mr. Lothian, does Blood Spirit Valley have any conflicts with the Henningsen

rarely interact with sects like Demonia Mountain. They didn’t even participate in

been running all

the search tomorrow. It’s

for so long! It started working shortly after it was

Feenix, Jared agreed. “Alright, let’s rest in Forlisle. It’s also a good opportunity

they left the Celestial Battlefield, and Jared wanted to take him up on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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