Upon arriving at the Summers residence, they noticed that the doors were tightly shut. Observing the closed doors, Catina expressed her confusion, “The Summers family is considered prominent in Forlisle, so why have they gone to bed and closed their doors so early?”

Cloud also found it extremely strange. “It’s rather odd for such a prominent household to close its doors so early. It shouldn’t be the case.”

It wasn’t that late, but the doors of the Summers residence were tightly shut. This was somewhat unusual.

“Cloud, go knock on the door and see.”

Jared furrowed his brows and instructed Cloud to knock on the door. He wanted to find out why the Summers family had closed their doors so early. Did something happen?

Cloud stepped forward to knock on the door. He knocked for quite a while before someone finally opened it from the inside.

“What’s all this knocking about? Who are you people, banging on the door of the Summers residence so recklessly?” a young man bellowed angrily.

door with anger and speaking inappropriately, Cloud instantly

to knock on the doors of the Summers residence?” Cloud retorted with a cold

yell, but Jared quickly stepped forward with a faint smile. “My friend,” he said,

as long as the gatekeeper revealed his name to Tyler, Tyler would undoubtedly

waved his hand and said, “The head of the family is in seclusion. He’s

surprise. He had only just left the Celestial Battlefield not long ago, so how could he be in seclusion

I’ll look for Jacques. Jennifer

Tyler had retreated from the world, Jacques

seclusion,” the young man

filled with surprise. How could those two possibly

moment, Jared’s brows

pressed on. He refused to believe that

seclusion, but he is occupied with other matters and isn’t present at the moment. You should leave for now and come back later,” the young man

impatience, he was about to close the door. However, Jared held the door open, not allowing the young man to close

If you refuse to leave, don’t blame me for using force!” the young man said with

in such a manner? You must have a death wish or something!” Cloud shouted as he stepped forward and knocked the young man to the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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