“We were friends of the head of the Summers family, specifically visiting to pay our respects, not to cause trouble,” Jared said calmly and peacefully.

“Friends of the head of the family?”

Vilhelm glanced at Jared, then sneered, “How could the head of the Summers family possibly have a friend like you? Are you trying to infiltrate the Summers family, hoping to obtain some charms? I’ve encountered plenty of people like you. Regardless of whose friend you are, if you want to acquire the arcane arrays and charms, you must pay with spirit coins.”

“I truly am a friend of the head of the Summers family. If you don’t believe me, you can ask the head of the family himself,” Jared said, furrowing his brow.

“The head of the family is in seclusion, so there is no way for us to ask him,” Vilhelm said, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

“You could ask Jacques and his sister, Jennifer. They know me as well,” Jared suggested.

“I won’t ask anyone. You all had better leave immediately, or I will use force!”

Vilhelm waved his hand, and a dozen cultivators surrounded Jared and Cloud. Jared’s brow furrowed, his expression turning ominously cold and fearsome.

to visit the Summers family. He hadn’t expected the members of the Summers

articulate what had specifically happened, he had a vague feeling that something seemed to have gone wrong with

until I have seen the head of the Summers family

leave, then I’ll have to drive

from Vilhelm, over a dozen cultivators

Realm cultivators. It was

to resort to this, but since you insist on forcing my hand, don’t blame

erupted in

dozen cultivators from the Summers family were all sent flying in the blink

couldn’t care less about the First Level Tribulators and Second Level Tribulators, let alone the Body Fusion Realm cultivators, who couldn’t even get close to Jared. They were blown away by the aura

before him, Vilhelm’s expression instantly turned to shock. He shouted angrily, “You audacious brat! How dare you pretend to be weak to deceive us? Do

as a lineage of magecraft experts, hence they were the most proficient in

swept over them. Vilhelm was forced to back

this how the Summers family treats their guests? The head of the family personally invited us, and now he’s avoiding

slowly walked in

who was a Seventh Level Tribulator, made Vilhelm’s expression incredibly

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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