“Mr. Oscar, they…” Vilhelm began to say something, but the middle-aged man interrupted him.

“Alright. Enough talk, bring Jennifer out. Since we’re friends, we should show some hospitality,” the middle-aged man exclaimed.

“Understood. I will personally go and invite Ms. Jennifer, Vilhelm nodded and left.

The middle-aged man then approached Jared with a slight smile. “I’m truly sorry. These servants don’t understand proper etiquette. My name is Oscar Summers, and my brother is Tyler Summers. Since you know my brother, you are our guest. May I know how to address you?”

Jared’s initial doubts were somewhat dispelled by Oscar’s enthusiasm and politeness.

“My name is Jared Chance, and this is my friend Cloud Seizon. And this is Catina,” Jared introduced.

Oscar laughed heartily. “No introduction is needed for her. She’s the renowned Fox Queen. I’ve heard of her long ago.”

While Jared engaged in sporadic conversation with Oscar, Jennifer arrived.

“Mr. Chance, how come you’re here?” Jennifer was surprised when she saw Jared.

passing by and thought I’d pay a

visiting her father, Jennifer’s expression subtly changed, but quickly returned to

to visit Tyler, you should entertain them. Remember to be

Jared turned to Jennifer and asked, “Ms. Summers,

shook her head.

Please, come with me.”

led Jared and the others to

the changes in Jennifer’s facial

others to

Jared watched Jennifer bustling about, his brows

have to do everything

found it odd. “I find

Jared remained silent, continuously observing Jennifer. After brewing coffee for Jared and the others, Jennifer brought it

politely. Jared nodded, took a sip of his coffee, and then asked, “Ms. Summers, is it true that the head of the

out a sigh and nodded. “Yes, he

family is in seclusion, then we…” Jared wanted to excuse himself and leave.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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