Jared’s brow furrowed slightly as he asked, “Ms. Summers, is something wrong? If there’s an issue, please let me know. Maybe I can help…”

“No, there’s nothing wrong!”

Jennifer shook her head, but her eyes kept darting towards the window. Jared glanced out the window, then exchanged a meaningful look with Catina.

Catina, understanding the signal, quickly dashed out of the room. Following that were two faint screams of agony, audible only to Jared and his group.

Shortly after, Catina returned, carrying two lifeless bodies.

Upon seeing the corpses, Jennifer panicked.

“Mr. Chance, how could you have killed someone? You must leave immediately, or it will be too late…”

Jennifer anxiously urged Jared.

“Ms. Summers, what exactly happened to your family? If you don’t explain clearly, I won’t leave.”

Jared declared firmly.

said, “Ah, I must admit, Mr. Chance. A major crisis has befallen our Summers family! My father and brother have been taken captive, and the eldest elder was killed by them. Now, Uncle Oscar has taken control of the entire Summers family. When we went to the Celestial Battlefield, Uncle Oscar had already set his sights on becoming the family head. That’s why he stayed behind in the Summers residence, conspiring with several other elders to rebel. As soon as we returned, they took action. Fortunately, my father refused to reveal

own safety. I hope you understand

head and said, “I can’t leave now. If your second uncle let us in, it means he intends to harm

a private matter within our Summers family. Uncle Oscar wouldn’t

you don’t believe me,

led Jennifer out

glow began

magical arcane array has been set up here. It’s clear they don’t

Jared informed Jennifer.

Chance, your arcane array skills are indeed powerful. Such a minor array can’t restrain you. It would be best if you

were far beyond what

was almost impossible

not before rescuing Mr. Summers and helping the Summers family resolve

calmly and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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