As Jennifer listened to the crowd’s discussion, her expression turned icy. Suddenly, she spoke out loudly. “Everyone, please be quiet. Today, I have brought everyone here to have a serious discussion with Uncle Oscar about the future direction of our Summers family.”

Upon hearing Jennifer’s furious rebuke, everyone promptly fell silent.

“Jennifer, what would you like to discuss? Feel free to speak your mind in front of the entire Summers family…” Oscar said calmly.

“Alright. Uncle Oscar, I want to ask you this. Why did you imprison my father and brother? Why did you kill Mr. Freddie? Are you trying to get our Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance? Are you plotting to take over as the head of the Summers family?”

Jennifer fired off a series of sharp questions. Upon hearing Jennifer’s words, everyone in the Summers family was taken aback.

“What? Mr. Tyler was arrested? Isn’t he in seclusion?”

“What’s going on?”

“Could it be that Mr. Oscar is planning a rebellion?”

The members of the Summers family quietly discussed among themselves.

formidable. Not even within the entire southern region do we hold much significance. If we want the Summers family to grow and prosper, we must seek alliances. What’s wrong with cooperating with the Demon Seal Alliance?

hadn’t expected Oscar to drop

beyond her

the consensus of our entire Summers family, not your forced confinement of my father and brother, or your reason for killing Mr. Freddie. Release my father and

to first release her father

Seal Alliance, once her father was released, there would naturally

I can hear the little schemes you’re concocting in

and asked, “I intend to lead the Summers family to join the Demon Seal

of the Summers family exchanged glances, none daring to

was unclear, and the members of the Summers

at that moment, a somewhat hunched, thin-framed old man

you should have supported Mr. Tyler’s decision. Yet, unexpectedly, you secretly imprisoned him, intending to join the Demon Seal

elder’s voice was strong, his

chief butler of the Summers family. Although he was not technically a member of the Summers family, he had served several generations

“Mr. Rowland…”

fill with joy, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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