Oscar stood up slowly, observing the crowd demanding Tyler’s release. He nodded and said, “Very well, I will release my elder brother before making a decision on this matter.”

With that, Oscar got up from his seat and made his way towards the hall’s entrance. As Oscar reached the entrance, a cold glint appeared in his eyes and he reached into his pocket.

In an instant, he pulled out a charm and shouted, “Explode!”


Suddenly, a large amount of red smoke filled the hall. Taking advantage of the chaos, Oscar rushed out and quickly closed the door behind him.

“That was a despicable act of Blood Dispersion!” someone shouted angrily. The door was forcefully kicked open and members of the Summers family poured out of the hall.

However, their expressions were grim and they were drenched in cold sweat.

Their inner spiritual energy was rapidly depleting, and even standing felt incredibly exhausting.

Instead of fleeing, Oscar stood quietly in the courtyard, waiting for everyone.

Scatter, their spiritual energy was completely drained, leaving them

as he yelled, “Oscar, you are despicable for using such

Alliance, and they will soon send someone to the Summers family. If you come to your senses now, you might still be able to save your lives. If the people from the Demon Seal Alliance arrive, don’t blame me for not

heartily without

hearing Oscar’s words, everyone in the Summers family gritted their teeth in anger, but they were

that they couldn’t even move, let alone keep up

has been colluding with the

state of everyone around him,

energy and become incredibly weak. However, if the antidote is administered promptly, there wouldn’t be any significant harm. If the antidote isn’t given in

but exclaim, “This fellow is truly a monster, resorting to using such poison on his

full of shame, Jennifer apologized, “I’m sorry, Mr. Chance. It was my fault that you all got involved

Jared and his group wouldn’t have ended up

it’s just Blood Dispersion. There’s no need to be

looked at Jared with a puzzled expression. She noticed that Jared seemed very relaxed, as if he hadn’t been poisoned at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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