Oscar glanced at Jared, his eyes filled with disdain as he said, “You’re not even a member of the Summers family, so your support is completely useless to me. Since you wanted to stand out, prepare yourself to become a cripple!”

Oscar had no respect for Jared whatsoever. Even if Jared were to compromise, there was no way Oscar would give him the antidote.

“Worthless, huh? How about this?”

With a casual smile, Jared suddenly attacked Oscar.

Jared simply swung his hand, and in an instant, Oscar was sent flying, his face swelling up like a pig’s head.

“H-How are you still able to fight?”

Oscar covered his face, his eyes filled with disbelief.

“Did you really think a mere dose of poison could strip me of all my powers? What a joke!”

Jared smirked and continued, “Now, hand over the antidote, release the head of the Summers family, and then kneel down to sincerely repent. Perhaps then, you might still have a chance to live.”

Oscar’s eyes, there was

you spouting nonsense, you brat? Do you even dare to kill me? I assure you, no one but me can neutralize the poison in their bodies. If you kill me, they will all be

didn’t dare to kill him, which was precisely why he acted

quite confident. Who said that only you have the antidote for this poison? Don’t you think that if I can

to avoid being poisoned, but if you

had not been poisoned, it

believe, then let me

speaking, he looked at Cloud and said, “Cloud,


Jared quickly pressed a few acupoints on Cloud’s body. To their surprise, Cloud

expression on Oscar’s

Jared could

many people, you could suppress them all with that little spiritual energy you possess. Even if you know how to concoct antidotes, there are no mystical herbs here, so you’re completely helpless. All you

couldn’t help but express his admiration. “Impressive. I originally thought all

weren’t for my father’s favoritism, the position of the head of the Summers family should have been mine. With my intelligence and wisdom, I could have definitely led the Summers family

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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