Upon witnessing Jared bring out the cauldron and the mystical herbs, excitement filled everyone in the Summers family. This confirmed that Jared was indeed capable of concocting the antidote, which meant they no longer had to accept their fate of being crippled or submit to Oscar.

“Mr. Chance is truly an enigmatic individual!” Jennifer looked at Jared, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions.

“Do you have feelings for Jared?” Catina asked.

Jennifer blushed and exclaimed, “No, not at all! Besides, Mr. Chance already has a woman by his side…”

“What does it matter if he has other women? For a man like him, it’s normal to have multiple partners. If you like him, you have to pursue him yourself, and tonight is a great opportunity!” Catina teased Jennifer playfully.

Blushing, Jennifer lowered her head, not daring to say another word.

Meanwhile, Jared had already placed all the necessary mystical herbs into the Divine Cauldron.

“Even if you possess the mystical herb and know how to concoct pills, it’s futile. You simply cannot create the antidote. Blood Dispersion is one of the top ten poisons within the demon race. To concoct an antidote, you must use demonic fire!” Oscar exclaimed loudly.

He knew that only demonic fire could be used to create the antidote. However, Jared was not a member of the demon race, making it impossible for him to possess demonic fire.

Jared feigned surprise and exclaimed, “I have to use demonic fire?”

“Hmph, in the end, you all still had to beg me obediently…”

that state,

caught Oscar off guard. Jared snapped his fingers, and

hurled it into the air. The flames erupted suddenly, spreading

looked at Oscar with a smile and asked, “Is this

he pointed at Jared and stammered,

not is none of your concern. Now, I

speaking, he threw the demonic fire directly into the Divine Cauldron.

waves of medicinal fragrance, crystal-clear pills began

one hour, Jared had successfully concocted the antidote. After distributing the antidote, every member

taking the antidote, the discomfort among the crowd

looked at Jared with deep gratitude and said, “You saved our lives today. We, the

“Thank you, Mr. Chance!”

her gratitude. However, as she looked at Jared, her face

was still somewhat puzzled, wondering what was

did he know that Catina had just teased Jennifer, causing her heart to flutter with affection in that

turned to Oscar and asked,

uncertainty, and he did not respond


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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