
Jennifer was seething with anger, but since Oscar was her uncle, she couldn’t bring herself to lay a hand on him.

“You monster!”

Jennifer hesitated to raise her hand in conflict, but Todd did not. As the butler of the Summers family, having looked after several generations of family heads, he was not at all intimidated by Oscar. He directly slapped Oscar across the face.

“I will make you talk,” Jared said and turned to Jennifer as he continued, “Ms. Summers, please restrain your uncle first. Then, prepare the place. I believe it won’t be long before the members of the Demon Seal Alliance arrive.”

Since Oscar had sent someone to invite the members of the Demon Seal Alliance, Jared knew for sure that they would come.

Originally, Jared had planned to stay for just one night and then leave. However, if the Demon Seal Alliance were to come after the Summers family now, he feared the Summers family wouldn’t be able to withstand them.

“Alright; I’ll go set it up right away.”

Jennifer had someone lock up Oscar, and then began to set up arcane arrays around the Summers family’s premises.

was engaged in a discussion with

and told Ilias, “Mr. Henningsen, representatives from the Summers family of Forlisle

immediately burst into laughter. “Let him in!

happened?” Zayan

still unaware of the fact

before, the Summers family will surely take the initiative to join the Demon Seal Alliance. Well, they’ve just sent someone over to our doorstep! In fact, I’ve been in touch with Oscar of the Summers family for quite some time now. Oscar was also willing to bring the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance. Given that they are

Oscar’s subordinate had already entered, carrying an

sent me to deliver this item to you. Additionally, he hopes that Mr. Henningsen could dispatch someone to the Summers family and assist him in gaining control

pouch. Inside, there were tokens from the Summers family,

a map, which depicted the secret

intended to serve as a refuge for the Summers family in times of

was the most closely guarded

willingly handed

seems that Oscar

in his hand, Ilias burst into triumphant

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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