With a cold smirk on his face, Ilias looked at Tyler, his voice tinged with amusement as he asked, “What do you think?”

Tyler’s face showed utter surprise. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t have guessed it.

Tyler scoffed disdainfully. “Do you think I’m a child? Why are you asking me to guess?”

Ilias laughed and replied, “Since you’re not guessing, I’ll tell you. The reason I found this place is because your brother Oscar told me.”

“Nonsense! That’s impossible! This can’t be…”

Tyler shook his head. “Even though Oscar has always wanted to join the Demon Seal Alliance, he would never reveal such a confidential location of the Summers family to you!”

He simply couldn’t believe it.

This place is the Summers family’s sanctuary! How could Oscar possibly reveal it so casually to others? Even though Oscar held political views that clashed with mine, it was impossible for him to do anything that would harm the entire Summers family!

“You don’t believe me?” Ilias asked.

Tyler shook his head. “No, of course I don’t. It’s impossible for Oscar to do such a thing.”

“Since you don’t believe me, then I’ll show you who your brother really is.”

Ilias pulled out a map, clearly marking the location.

secret scrolls of the Summers family and laid

wanted to disbelieve, yet he had no choice but

monster!” Tyler

would actually betray the entire

it was merely a contest for the position of family head, for the

had crossed a line by betraying

is absolutely heinous and


spat out a mouthful of fresh

his men to lift up Tyler and, along with Jacques, he directly brought

why haven’t we killed this guy yet? What are

useful, so he can’t

glanced at the Henningsen family’s backyard and asked, “How is

lately. However, his meridians have been damaged. It might be quite difficult for him to cultivate in the future,”

a close watch on Tyler. He absolutely cannot be allowed to escape, and most importantly, he must not be allowed

of the Henningsen

Ilias leaped forward, his body disappearing in

beside a pond. This massive pond was

few men were seated hundreds

seeing Ilias arrive, several men promptly stood

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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