Meanwhile, in the Summers residence in Forlisle, Jennifer, guided by Todd, began arranging the magical arcane arrays around the entire Summers family estate, along with the other members of the Summers family. They repeated this process to ensure every corner was covered.

This was to protect against a sudden attack from the Henningsen family.

Jared was not idle either. He sent Cloud to inform Igor and Montane Daemon.

Now, the strength of the Montane Daemon was enough to assist Jared.

Suddenly, Jennifer rushed over and told Jared, “Mr. Chance, you should go check quickly. Uncle Oscar might not make it!”

“What happened?” Jared asked.

“I’m not entirely sure either. The person watching over Uncle Oscar reported that he suddenly started foaming at the mouth, his expression filled with intense pain. If he were to die, then my father and brother’s whereabouts would remain unknown!” Jennifer exclaimed anxiously.

Upon hearing this, Jared burst into laughter and said, “Don’t worry, he won’t die. I simply gave him some medicine secretly to make him experience hardship. Otherwise, he would never willingly reveal the whereabouts of the head of the Summers family.”

It turned out that when Jared was locking Oscar up, he had already drugged him. As soon as Oscar became frightened and couldn’t bear it anymore, he would confess.

Jared followed Jennifer to the place where Oscar was being held.

screaming in agony, his forehead covered in cold sweat.

kill me, I beg you, please kill

Oscar writhed, pleading for

were broken, and he was severely poisoned. He simply couldn’t

Oscar with a smirk on his lips. “I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine. When you poisoned us just

you give me? Kill me,

Jared, wishing he could kill him with just

are being held captive. I’ll make you experience a fate worse than death every day until you


please, end my suffering… Help

didn’t want to be tormented like

at Oscar. She didn’t

I’ll take you to the place where Tyler is being held captive. Now, you must immediately alleviate my


“No problem…”

a medicinal pill and

swallowing it, Oscar immediately

cold sweat from his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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