“Teleportation array? Does the Summers family really have a Teleportation Array?” Jennifer was also surprised. After all, the Teleportation Array was considered a high-level magical arcane array.

No one in the Summers family had the capability to set up a Teleportation Array, so she couldn’t understand how there was one in the ancestral home of the Summers family.

Oscar remained silent and stepped directly into the Teleportation Array.

Jared followed suit after a quick glance.

Jennifer closely followed behind.

As the Teleportation Array activated, a flash of light streaked across, and to their surprise, Jared and his companions found themselves in a massive hall.

“This is a secret sanctuary of the Summers family, designed for us to seek refuge in times of peril,” Oscar explained.

After finishing his words, Oscar headed towards the house on one side. Jared gazed at the shelter before him, filled with admiration for the ancestors of the Summers family.

It seemed that they had long since planned for a secure future for their descendants. Just as Oscar led Jared and the others to a room, the sight of the open door instantly changed Oscar’s expression.

Jennifer glanced around and asked in surprise, “Uncle Oscar, where’s my dad? Did he run away?”

been Ilias who came. Tyler was taken away

did the Henningsen family find out

Oscar. “Did you tell

expression made it clear that he was

have to save my father!

Oscar. After all, she

Henningsen family, things became uncertain. The Henningsen family had repeatedly tried to persuade Tyler to join the Demon Seal Alliance,

said, “Ms. Summers, please

You’ll only end up getting caught yourself. The Henningsen family is not like the Summers family. As a branch of the Demon Seal Alliance, the Henningsen family has numerous experts who have transcended tribulations. I heard that Ilias has become a Ninth Level Tribulator, and even achieved Top Level. Going there would

at Oscar, her teeth

anger in his niece’s eyes, Oscar couldn’t help but

Seal Alliance. They won’t harm Tyler. Tomorrow, I can personally visit the

Oscar still had quite a bit of trust in

family, being a branch of the Demon Seal Alliance, had urged the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance as well. It was, after all, within

with joining the Demon Seal Alliance, it wouldn’t have led to

Summers. Then,

onto Jennifer, returned to the Summers

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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