Jared explained to Jennifer, “If we were to act against the Henningsen family now, I’m afraid your father and brother would be in danger. Let’s not provoke conflicts with the Henningsen family for now. They are unaware of the current situation in the Summers family. As long as your Uncle Oscar cooperates with us, we have a chance to rescue your father and brother.”

Surprised, Oscar exclaimed, “Cooperate with you? How could he possibly cooperate with Jared?”

“You can choose not to cooperate, but the consequence of such a decision will be enduring extreme pain and gradually succumbing to death. Do you want to continue experiencing what you just went through?” Jared asked Oscar.

Recalling the recent agonizing experience, Oscar felt his body shiver slightly, then he shook his head. “What do you want me to do?”

“You just need to divert the attention of the Henningsen family. Tomorrow morning, I will accompany you to the Henningsen family and find a way to rescue Mr. Summers,” said Jared.

Surprised, Oscar asked, “You’re coming with me? I can handle that myself. The Henningsen family only asked us to join the Demon Seal Alliance. They won’t give me trouble.”

Seeing Oscar’s naivety, Jared flashed a cold smile. “You’re too naive. If the Demon Seal Alliance had no ulterior motives, why would they take away Mr. Summers?”

Oscar remained silent. He didn’t know why Ilias had taken away his older brother.

Oscar had disclosed the location of the Summers family sanctuary to express his determination to join the Demon Seal Alliance to Ilias.


If a real fight breaks out, casualties are inevitable. Do you really want to see the Summers family suffering

said and walked toward

closely, while Jennifer

that moment, the exterior of the Summers residence had already been fortified as if facing a formidable enemy. Various arcane arrays were activated, and streams

“Deactivate the arcane arrays!”

arrived, he hurriedly instructed the Summers

knew Oscar had become a traitor

this, Todd spoke. “Deactivate the arcane

the Summers family members finally

of the Henningsen family, arrived

was a bit surprised to see Oscar standing at the door with all members of the Summers

“Mr. Oscar, this…”


you arranged everything as I instructed?” Oscar

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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