Oscar and Jared were waiting in the living room for Illias.

“When you meet Ilias later, make sure to stay calm and not act recklessly. He is a Ninth Level Tribulator cultivator, someone you cannot handle,” Oscar advised Jared.

At that time, Jared was only a First Level Tribulator. Dealing with a cultivator at the ninth level of the same realm was simply impossible.

“Don’t worry, I know my limits!” Jared nodded.

Soon, Ilias arrived.

honor to have you here. Please forgive my

entering the living room and

was being polite and didn’t hold Oscar in high

felt a bit nervous. He bowed and said, “Mr. Henningsen, I apologize for the intrusion. In the future, when our family joins the Demon Seal

had joined the Demon Seal Alliance early on,

Now that your family has joined the Demon Seal Alliance, we are essentially one family. Together, we will stand unchallenged in the

unite and work together, even the entire Southern Region poses no threat to us, let alone

able to stop them. However, by joining the Demon Seal Alliance, it’s different. If anyone dares to target the Summers family, it’s equivalent to targeting the entire Demon Seal Alliance. With branches spanning the Southern Domain and even the entire Ethereal Realm, you will be safe

With the Demon

established, causing the power of the

right!” Oscar

Demon Seal Alliance, you can enjoy its protection. However, you must

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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