“I wonder if you brought my brother and nephew to the Henningsen family? I hope you can release them. Now that our family has agreed to join the Demon Seal Alliance, my brother shouldn’t cause any trouble,” Oscar pleaded with Ilias.

“I did bring your brother and nephew here, but rest assured, I won’t harm your brother. I simply invited him to assist with something. Once everything is settled, I will naturally release him. You can trust me on this,” Ilias assured.

Upon hearing this, Oscar felt uncertain about what would happen next and subtly glanced at Jared.

Noticing this, Jared had no choice but to speak up. “Mr. Henningsen, in that case, could we possibly meet him? Additionally, if there’s any way we can help, we are at your service.”

Jared’s attitude was very humble, and Ilias didn’t notice anything unusual.

“You’ve reminded me. Of course, you can be of assistance. I’ll take you there.”

Oscar and

a glance with Oscar. They hadn’t expected that Ilias

followed Ilias through the Henningsen residence’s backyard, Jared began sensing

much anomaly as he was masquerading

led them to the Holy

rock, eyes closed as if in

Oscar called out eagerly upon seeing him, seemingly

was subtly restrained by

Pond of our family, but there’s a protective arcane array around it. Due to its ancient age, we’ve forgotten how

extremely far-fetched. It was clear that this didn’t belong to the Henningsen family, but rather something they had seized. Therefore, it was only natural that they

destroying formations happens to be a specialty of

with its dark green liquid and mirror-like

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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