Outside the Henningsen residence, Jennifer had already led the Summers family members in a covert infiltration. Catina, Montane Daemon, and others were also present. They were waiting for Jared to send a signal, indicating the right moment to launch an attack. However, after waiting for a whole day, there was no message from Jared and Oscar, and they were nowhere to be seen.

Jennifer, concerned about Jared’s safety, asked Todd, “Mr. Rowland, do you think Oscar betrayed Mr. Chance? He was so determined to join the Demon Seal Alliance. If he indeed betrayed Jared, it could be dangerous for him.”

“I don’t think so. Mr. Chance has something on him. Would he throw his life away?” Todd replied, though he himself was uncertain about Oscar’s intentions.

Cloud and others on the sidelines were also getting anxious. A whole day had passed with no sign of activity, which was abnormal.

Even if they figure out Mr. Chance’s identity, he wouldn’t just

this moment, she no longer regarded Jared as a business partner. With every union she had with Jared, Catina gave her heart and soul. It was no longer like it was at the beginning when her

Oscar were merely observing; it was Jared who was actively destroying the arcane array. After a day and a night, the arcane array

a mysterious aura enveloped the entire Henningsen family. The water in the Holy Pond began to boil, emitting bubbles. The color of the water changed

something unusual and rushed out of their rooms. Ilias looked toward the direction of the Holy Pond,

up and vanishing in an instant. When Ilias appeared at the Holy Pond and observed the changes within

Henningsen, the arcane array has been

to its reputation as the most proficient in magecraft across the southern region.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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