“Father, I will persevere. If I can refine myself, I will make the Henningsen family the most powerful in the entire southern region,” Rueben expressed with excitement, causing his body to tremble slightly.

It was clear that he had been eagerly awaiting this day for a long time.

“I have faith in you, son. Go ahead,” Ilias nodded approvingly.

Draped in a black cloth bag, Rueben jumped into the Holy Pond.

As the churning pond gradually calmed, the black bag soon floated on the surface, with Rueben’s body nowhere to be seen.

Observing this scene, Ilias smiled.

guard the Holy Pond. No one is allowed to enter until Rueben resurfaces. Anyone

“Understood!” Russell nodded.

Henningsen, let’s…” Oscar began, intending to discuss

to talk. This isn’t the

behind them. Although he was not restrained by anyone, he had no intention of escaping as he knew his abilities

arriving in the hall, Oscar eagerly asked, “Mr. Henningsen, can I now take

Soon, someone brought Jacques

Tyler, Jacques expressed

fine,” Tyler assured, his eyes

was his son, and Tyler didn’t want to

masquerading as Vilhelm, Jacques couldn’t help but angrily exclaim, “Oscar, you traitor of the Summers family! The ancestors of

unperturbed, not

a bit upset being insulted this way?”

As an elder, there’s no point in getting angry with them. Mr. Henningsen, I’ll take him back and properly disciple him at home,” Oscar replied with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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