Ilias’s sudden betrayal caught Oscar completely off guard.

Ilias had been pushing for the Summers family to join the Demon Seal Alliance solely to gain their assistance in destroying the arcane array around the Holy Pond.

Now that the arcane array was gone, the Summers family seemed to lose its significance to Ilias.

There was no need for pretense anymore. Considering the Summers family’s strength, they couldn’t compete with the Henningsen family.

Furthermore, with the Summers family now part of the Demon Seal Alliance and having handed over their magecraft secret scrolls, Ilias was confident they wouldn’t dare to go back on their word.

“You…” Oscar was visibly shaken by Ilias’s sudden change of attitude.

“Ilias, don’t push it too far. Our family can certainly reconsider our agreement and choose not to join the Demon Seal Alliance.”

know the location of the Summers family’s sanctuary. If you dare to reconsider, your family will be wiped out by tomorrow. I hope you don’t act rashly. Go back and manage the Summers family properly. Serve the Dernon Seal Alliance. When I need you, don’t

he was utterly helpless. Physically

walked away. He feared that if the stalemate continued, Ilias might suddenly detain them, making

as they exited, he

Henningsen residence, Oscar couldn’t contain his frustration and let out a roar,

Demon Seal Alliance and elevate

else’s strength before you have your own power? The

an expression of utter embarrassment,

been, seeking to advance the Summers family through

Jared and Oscar left the Henningsen residence, they encountered Jennifer

their return had

out. We were planning to rush in and rescue everyone,”

meet the head of the Henningsen

“Yes.” Jared nodded.

okay? What about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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