Even though Jared possessed exceptional talent, the idea of him, a First Level Tribulator, defeating a Seventh Level Tribulator, was nothing short of a fairy tale.

After all, the gap between their cultivation levels was simply too vast.

Jared ran swiftly, while the Demonic Cultivator assumed that Jared was trying to escape.

“You indeed have some skills, brat. Even after being struck by me, you still have the strength to run away! However, no matter how much you try to escape, it will all be in vain!” The Demonic Cultivator let out a cold laugh and instantly pursued!

Jared executed Blazing Stride, flames billowing beneath his feet. Although he had not fully mastered it, his speed had indeed increased significantly.

“I never expected you, of all people, to play with fire. Well then, today let’s see who has the fiercer flame!” The Demonic Cultivator instantly hurled a fireball.

The fireball caught up with Jared at an extremely fast speed, then exploded right above his head.

A massive wave of flames engulfed Jared directly.

Seeing Jared engulfed in flames, the Demonic Cultivator burst into uproarious laughter.

“Haha! The sensation of being engulfed in raging flames isn’t pleasant, is it? Hand over the Demon Flogger to me now, and I can lessen your punishment of being consumed by these intense flames.”

With a hearty laugh, the Demonic Cultivator watched with amusement as Jared struggled amidst the raging flanes.

Seeing this, the Demonic Cultivator waved his hand, and the roaring flames disappeared in

disappeared, to his surprise, he found Jared standing unscathed at

mysterious blue flame flickered, as if it were

eyes widened in an instant, his face filled

did you get this demonic fire from?” the

do you think you are? Your demon spirit demonic fire is ineffective

since you’re so audacious, let’s see whose demonic fire is more powerful!” With a swift wave of his hands, the Demonic Cultivator sent two streaks of fiery red light

and then two trails of sparks

the fireworks fell, Jared was captivated by the spectacle in the sky. Unbeknownst to

Flaming Cage materialized, trapping Jared

power even greater than before. Jared was trapped

consumed by flames. “I refuse to believe that you could still

but a smile even crept up

fact, Jared had just been provoking this

demonic fire to its limit could Jared

nascence spark began to flicker, as

gradually absorbed by the

until eventually, even the Flaming Cage had completely

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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