The Demon Flogger was used to lash the Demonic Cultivator’s spiritual sense directly, causing him to experience intense pain in his mind.

Upon witnessing the Demonic Cultivator’s momentary destabilization, Jared swiftly drew his Dragonslayer Sword.

As he held the Dragonslayer Sword, it emitted a radiant golden glow.

The air was instantly filled with a golden radiance. Jared knew that he had to seize the opportunity to kill the weakened Demonic Cultivator.

When facing this type of Demonic Cultivator, Jared had no concern for notions of fairness or justice. Successive golden sword lights swiftly headed towards the Demonic Cultivator.

“Brat, do you truly believe that possessing the Demon Flogger is enough to defeat me?” the Demonic Cultivator roared furiously, unexpectedly bursting into flames.

The Demonic Cultivator transformed into a ball of demonic fire and charged directly towards Jared’s sword radiance.

Jared’s brow furrowed slightly. It seemed that even with his First Level Tribulator status and divine weapons at his disposal, annihilating a Seventh Level Tribulator was an almost impossible task.

After all, the difference in their abilities was simply too vast. These Seventh Level Tribulators wouldn’t even consider him a worthy opponent.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Accompanied by a series of explosions, Jared’s sword light collided fiercely with the Demonic Cultivator.

as a shield, blocking all

fire and advanced towards him. Holding the Dragonslayer Sword,

exclaimed in fear upon witnessing the situation. However, she was entangled by a Demonic Cultivator and couldn’t

Jared was about to face a

horror echoed. Both Jared

had already shattered the head of the

a Seventh Level Tribulator. How could he possess such incredible

Cultivators were utterly

Level Tribulators. But the battle had barely begun when one

simply too

demonic tribulation cloud. Although they were all Seventh Level Tribulators, Montane Daemon’s true strength far surpassed

disrespect Mr. Chance, and I will end your life!” After Montane Daemon killed the Demonic Cultivator, he immediately headed towards the Demonic Cultivator who was

the Demonic Cultivator hastily unleashed a wave

of his hands, Montane Daemon shattered the flames. A sudden, endless gust of wind rose, directly

go save the people. Leave

to me…” Montane

of Montane Daemon’s strength. These Demonic

spiritual sense, Jared quickly located the place where Tyler was being held

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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