“Mr. Chance, Ilias will surely be guarding the Holy Pond. If you go alone, I’m afraid that…”

Tyler knew that Jared could fight beyond his level, but Ilias was a Ninth Level Tribulator.

Even if Jared could fight beyond his level, he would still not be a match for a Ninth Level Tribulator.

“Don’t worry. I know my limits!” Jared said with a faint smile.

Seeing Jared’s extraordinary confidence, Tyler didn’t say anything more.

“Take care, Mr. Chance. The Summers family will never forget this kindness!” Tyler expressed his gratitude wholeheartedly.

“Mr. Summers, there’s no need for formalities. Please, don’t forget to leave the Henningsen residence as soon as possible. If the fight drags on for too long, I’m afraid you might not be able to leave at all,” Jared warned Tyler again.

Tyler nodded and led Jacques toward the front courtyard.

Without hesitation, Jared headed toward the Henningsen family’s Holy Pond.

At that moment, Ilias stood by the edge of the Holy Pond, waiting in silence.

Around the Holy Pond, a nearly invisible transparent Light Shield continuously flickered.

also a simple arcane array set up by Ilias to prevent anyone from accidentally entering the

array could isolate all external

out of fear that someone

other side of the Holy Pond, several members of the Henningsen family continuously tossed various treasures into

herbs were added, the water in the Holy Pond

not let


loud explosion, and the protective shield around the Holy Pond vanished into

there?” Ilias’ eyebrows furrowed, his face turning

but he was extremely furious when he saw

hint of confusion. After all, this was the deep backyard of the Henningsen residence. He didn’t know

was lost in confusion, the sounds of a fierce fight from the front

a shield had blocked his view, so Ilias had absolutely

the shield gone, the sounds of battle kept coming. This left Illias

was momentarily stunned, Jared seized the

dimmed instantly, as streaks of lightning flashed across the

“Thunder Palm!”

the lightning nascence, Jared struck down with his palm. The entire Holy Pond region was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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