All eyes watched as Ilias unleashed a palm strike, casting forth a multitude of radiant beams that seemed to overshadow the sun and sky.

Indeed, as a Ninth Level Tribulator, the power unleashed by his casual palm strike was something that Jared simply could not contend with.

Moreover, above the Holy Pond, there was a layer of aura. Jared was afraid he wouldn’t be able to jump into the pool and would end up like the Henningsen family members, turned into a mist of blood.

For the sake of his son, Ilias showed no mercy, not even to his own family members. Golden light erupted from within Jared, as his Golem Body enveloped him completely.

Immediately after, Jared pulled out a timepiece. Streams of spiritual energy were continuously being channeled into that timepiece.

“Start quickly! Start quickly…”

Jared knew that if he wanted to break through Ilias’ aura, he had to utilize the time spell of the timepiece.

As Jared was about to plunge into the aura set up by Ilias, the timepiece, however, showed no reaction.

This had Jared in a state of utter distress.

down. Just as Jared was

timepiece in Jared’s hand began to shimmer, its hands astonishingly started to move. To Jared’s surprise, he found that the flow

bit by bit. The aura enveloping the Holy Pond transformed into a series of ripples in Jared’s

as if it had come to a standstill, and time itself seemed

at the corner of Jared’s mouth. He knew he had succeeded. At that moment, Ilias’ eyes were wide

aura, upon entering this strange space, slowed down to an incredible extent as if it had come to

idea that Jared was using a

time magical item, only the space within a few meters around Jared was impacted by the alteration in the

the aura that Ilias had cast

After Jared entered the

basking in the unique aura of the Holy Pond, a smile tugging at the corners of his

Heaven Devouring Beast, I

the Heaven Devouring Beast,

entering the Holy Pond, Jared

seeing Jared unexpectedly leap into the Holy Pond, Ilias was instantly

I swear I’ll tear you

the Holy Pond. After a moment of hesitation, he, too,

more people entered the Holy Pond, the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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