In the Holy Pond, Jared continued to descend. With the fire sacred bead inside him, Jared was fine even without using his demonic fire!

However, it wasn’t long before Jared felt a buzzing in his consciousness, and to his surprise, the frost energy from the Holy Pond had completely disappeared!

But along with its disappearance came endless pressure!

Jared felt his bones cracking as if he had been compressed!

Jared quickly activated his Golem Body, barely withstanding the pressure from the Holy Pond!

“It’s truly strange. How could there be such unique obstacles in this Holy Pond?” Jared was quite puzzled!

Nevertheless, Jared continued to dive deeper, as if the Holy Pond had no bottom!

Even Jared himself didn’t know how long he had been sinking, unable to probe with his consciousness.

Jared felt as though he was adrift in an endless, dark universe. Such a sense of loneliness was truly terrifying!

Chance, Mr. Chance…”

snap back to reality

your consciousness was trapped, constantly floating without movement…” Faiyar spoke

all?” Jared’s face was filled with astonishment. He had thought all along that he was continuously diving

Pond felt incredibly strange. Mr. Chance, you should be

breaking out in a cold sweat from shock. If it hadn’t been for Faiyar waking him up, he feared he might have been left drifting there forever. That would have been

to alertness, then held his breath

he had reached the bottom

Jared’s feet touched the bottom of the pool, he finally felt a sense of solidity

looked around and noticed a

glowing orb, Jared felt a surge of joy within him. How wonderful it would be if there were treasures at the bottom of

walked toward

discovered that it was a piece of emerald radiating

there was a light curtain

about the size of a palm,

reached out to pick up the emerald, his palm passed through the light curtain, and the

golden light, the silhouette of a man gradually

Stone…” The man’s face was icy cold, his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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