The Holy Pond’s water began to boil, and beams of light sliced through the water, accompanied by thunderous roars.

Jared winced in pain and quickly retreated, but he was still hit by several beams of light.

Jared’s Golem Body shed its scales and dissolved into nothingness.

With a stifled grunt, Jared felt a surge of energy coursing through his body.

“Mr. Chance, are you okay?” Faiyar asked with concern.

“I’m fine. This guy was just too strong…” Jared said, furrowing his brow.

“Hmph, even if I were weaker, you, a mere First Level Tribulator cultivator, would still not be able to handle me. However, your body is remarkably resilient. You were unscathed even after being attacked,” the man admired Jared’s physique.

silent, his gaze fixed on the Savior Stone not far away. Despite his strong desire to possess it, he knew deep down

Savior Stone, you could simply cultivate at the bottom of this Holy Pond. Wouldn’t it be sufficient to absorb the essence within the Savior Stone? Once the essence of the Savior Stone is fully absorbed, this stone will become nothing more than

it will significantly slow things down. However, it’s the only solution we have when there’s no

activated the Focus Technique, and the peculiar aura emanating from

man was astonished to see Jared absorbing

you absorb

everything. What significance does the aura of your Savior Stone hold?” Jared gave

furiously at Jared, but he was powerless. Jared also realized that as long as he didn’t cross that light

confidently and boldly absorbed the aura within the Savior

Ilias continued to guard it, ready to strike

seventeen seriously injured. Additionally, the three Demonic Cultivators

eyes. “Those audacious fools from the Summers family… After I kill the intruder who dared to enter the

Cultivators are dead, but they left this behind,” Russell said,


cultivators leave these

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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