“Mr. Summers, besides Forlisle and Henningsen City, are there any other forces in this direction? I heard there are also these so-called ‘Five Great Sects!” Jared exclaimed.

“After these two cities, the territories of the Five Great Sects lie ahead. The Five Great Sects have established their bases according to the positions of the Five Elements and Eight Trigrams. However, beyond the Five Great Sects, there are no other forces to be found. If one wishes to encounter the sect, one will need to venture beyond the region of Demonia Mountain. I fear it will require a journey of thousands of kilometers. I suspect it’s unlikely that the forces beyond the Demonia Mountain region are responsible,” said Tyler.

“Could it be the doing of the Five Great Sects?” Jared’s eyebrows slightly furrowed!

“We of the Blood Spirit Valley have no grudges against the Five Great Sects, so why would they resort to such ruthless measures?” Igor couldn’t understand.

They hadn’t had any conflicts with the Five Great Sects, so why were the Sects acting that way?

“Mr. Chance, I do have some connections with the Five Great Sects. I’ll accompany you to take a look. The Five Great Sects often purchase charms from us. The Five Elements Array at the base of the Five Great Sects was actually set up by our Summers family’s ancestor years ago,” Tyler said.

Upon hearing that, Jared repeatedly nodded and said, “Thank you, Mr. Summers…”

either. If that matter wasn’t instigated by

the middle, things would be much

Five Great Sects, regardless of what abilities the Five

Mr. Chance, so this is the least we can do. Even if you asked our Summers family to risk our lives, we would not back down an inch. Given that it’s already late, Mr. Chance, it would be best for you to stay here for the night.

profoundly grateful

can use the evening time to write a few secret scrolls on arcane arrays for Mr. Summers. I hope it can be of help to the

the Summers family’s secret scrolls on arcane arrays

the reach of the Summers family. Therefore, Jared wanted to

hurriedly knelt

Mr. Chance…” Tyler repeatedly

Mr. Summers!” Jared helped Tyler

When they returned, they found that everyone had disappeared. Consequently, they entered Forlisle and learned that everyone

been settled in by Tyler. Due to the aftermath of a fierce battle, Catina did

the telepathic beast, did not go to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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