
A surge of nascent aura erupted, causing the fire nascent star within Jared’s nascent space to swell instantaneously, becoming significantly larger than the other nascent stars!

Moreover, the fire nascent star had become significantly brighter!

Upon seeing that, Jared was somewhat taken aback. He hadn’t expected that this nascent star could actually be enhanced!

“It seems that this fire sacred bead is truly remarkable. I hope there’s a chance to obtain more, but I am unsure of how many fire sacred beads the Inferno Devil possesses,” Jared pondered.

Subsequently, Jared retrieved the Savior Stone from his storage ring!

At that moment, the Savior Stone appeared dull and gray-brown, devoid of any luster. It resembled an ordinary stone, completely lacking any semblance of aura!

Jared had completely drained the Savior Stone, which allowed his cultivation level to elevate from the First Level Tribulator to the Second Level.

Jared held the Savior Stone in his hand, contemplating channeling the various nascent powers within him into the stone, curious to see what reaction it might elicit!

Since those nascent stars were interconnected, the powers they embodied should also be capable of merging!

preparing to conduct his experiment,

come in…” Jared was puzzled, wondering who could be visiting his room

certainly didn’t

Jennifer carrying a steaming bowl of

still on despite the late hour, so I prepared supper for

dressed in a semi-transparent nightgown. Under the moonlight, her exquisite figure was

merely glanced up, then quickly

had survived a tribulation, and even if he didn’t eat, he

simply didn’t

out of kindness, Jared gave a

the stone in Jared’s hand, she

fondness for stones, then Demonia Mountain is a place where all kinds of stones can be found, Mr. Chance.” Jennifer deliberately moved her body closer

from the Holy Pond

world? Is it

hearing that, Jennifer

not sure either, but this stone

aura within him into the Savior Stone, including lightning nascent, illusion nascent, and fire

nascent powers into the Savior Stone, the stone

aura began to emerge, astonishingly identical to the original aura

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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