“Don’t move, stay still…” Tyler’s urgent voice echoed in the tense air as he rushed into the midst of the conflict, eager to defuse the escalating situation.

He quickly positioned himself between the two opposing sides and turned his attention to Heinrick. With a diplomatic tone, Tyler addressed him, “Mr. Darkmore, let’s handle this calmly. Can you explain why you’re aggressively confronting Mr. Chance the moment he arrived? Mr. Chance, he seems like a stranger to all of you, doesn’t he?”

“That’s absolute nonsense,” retorted Heinrick. “How can we not recognize him? He’s the one responsible for the demise of the revered Five Elites. Now he has the audacity to show up at the doorstep of the Five Great Sects. Is he mocking us? Does he think the Five Great Sects lack protectors?”

Heinrick’s words were delivered with fiery intensity, his anger palpable in the air.

Tyler, visibly taken aback by these accusations, couldn’t help but express his surprise. “They were killed by him? The Five Elites?”

In the midst of this heated exchange, Catina, her face contorted with anger, chimed in fiercely, “This is absurd. Who do you think was responsible for the death of the Five Elites?”

“If you want a fight, just say so. But stop making baseless claims,” she continued, her voice filled with frustration and indignation.

Heinrick, pointing an accusing finger at Catina, didn’t back down. “Fox Queen, don’t stir up more trouble. You’re also implicated in the deaths of the Five Elites….

anxiety. “You’re talking nonsense!

Mr. Chance the whole time, and I can

might not have the ability to kill them, but with the involvement of the three kings and four archons, that would be a different story.”

Mr. Delacroix, you’re

that Jared could possibly be responsible

look at this. This item pouch belonged to the Five Elites, and it fell from Jared’s possession.

to Jared. “Did this really fall from Mr.

had been quietly observing the unfolding drama, furrowed his brow as he studied the item pouch. After a moment of contemplation, he addressed Lauden. “Who told you that I

one who told us,” Lauden confirmed with a

“You’ve been misled. The true murderer of the Five Elites is Pablo, and I was a direct witness

We saw with our own

own eyes doesn’t always mean it’s the

incredible metamorphosis began

everyone present, Jared’s appearance transformed into an

their auras, visually, Jared now looked


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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