Jared, having transformed back into his original form, continued to reveal the truth with conviction, “Pablo must have conspired with others, using the same technique I just demonstrated, to assume my appearance and falsely accuse me. It is now clear. He possessed the Five Elites’ item pouch because he was the true murderer, using it as a tool to frame me.”

Upon hearing this revelation, Lauden’s certainty began to waver. After witnessing Jared’s astonishing transformation, he couldn’t help but consider the possibility.

If Pablo or someone else had employed a similar deception, how could we have recognized it?

“Mr. Delacroix, didn’t you mention earlier that the three kings and four archons were involved in assisting Mr. Chance in the assassination of the Five Elites?” Tyler calmly pressed on, his voice filled with logic. “Why don’t we summon those individuals here? Once we question them, the truth will surely be revealed. The three kings and four archons are esteemed figures; they would certainly not resort to falsehood, would they? Let’s bring them in for questioning. Mr. Delacroix, as the esteemed one, should take the lead in this.”

Before anyone could act on Tyler’s suggestion, Lauden interrupted, “There’s no need for a search. They are already here.”

He then turned to Heinrick and instructed, “Mr. Darkmore, please escort the three kings and four archons into the hall.”

Archon and his companions were led into

stir, especially when they noticed Catina and her

sight of the telepathic beast cradled in Feenix’s arms caused Lion Archon to

that such a telepathic beast could only be found in

Catina asked, “How did all of you

Elites and brought us here. We may lack the strength to challenge them now,

resigned expression. Our defeat was due to our inferior skills. Therefore, we

be easily bullied? If they continue to push us, we will have

their disadvantaged position compared to the human

oppression before and understood the need to unite

the escalating tension, Lauden quickly intervened, “Fox Queen, please, there’s no need to be

a conflict between the beast races and the Five Great

“Enough of this nonsense! We have been imprisoned here for days. Is this how you treat your guests? Either take action against us now,

admiration from Feenix, who enthusiastically encouraged him, “Monkey, you have

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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