“We seem to have all fallen victim to a misunderstanding.” Lauden conceded, his tone reflecting a blend of conciliation and apology. “Rest assured, we will conduct a thorough investigation into this matter. I urge everyone here to maintain their composure during this time.”

Lion Archon and his companions, despite expressing their anger earlier, were not seriously considering initiating a full-scale conflict with the Five Great Sects over such an incident.

After all, it would be unwise to plunge the entire beast race into a potentially fatal struggle over this misunderstanding.

Sensing an opportunity to de-escalate the situation, Tyler stepped in. “Since Mr. Delacroix has offered an apology, let’s agree to leave this issue behind us. And I can assure you all, with absolute certainty, that Mr. Chance had no involvement in the demise of the Five Elites. If it proves otherwise, the Summers family is prepared to accept responsibility and face any consequences the Five Great Sects deem appropriate.”

His voice was firm, aiming to bridge the gap from both sides, knowing well that initiating a battle would benefit no one.

Turning to a different yet equally pressing matter, Igor addressed Lauden and asked, “Now that we’ve resolved the issue surrounding the Five Elites, I’m eager to understand the current situation at our Blood Spirit Valley. What exactly transpired there?”

In truth, Jared and his companions had come forward to inquire about the incident at Blood Spirit Valley, but they found themselves facing a counterattack from the Five Great Sects.

“As I’ve mentioned before, by the time we arrived at Blood Spirit Valley, everyone there was already

clarification, Igor inquired, “And

possibly know? I didn’t witness the crime,” Lauden responded, his tone indicating a lack of

skepticism, challenged him, “How can you assure us that the massacre at Blood Spirit Valley wasn’t the work of someone from your Five Great Sects? You

choose not to believe

territory of the Five Great Sects, they were

the annihilation of Blood Spirit Valley, which was not the case, they were confident in their position

“I believe in Mr. Delacroix’s words. It’s unlikely that the Five Great Sects had

answers, asked, “If not the Five Great

of the telepathic beast here might be attributed to it detecting the

it doesn’t seem logical for the Five Great Sects to have carried out such a massacre,” Jared added

the mediator, suggested, “Since we’ve cleared up this misunderstanding, let’s put aside any hostilities.

Sects to leave the hall, leaving only a few

turned to Tyler. “Mr. Summers, now that we’ve resolved this misunderstanding, I’d like to request your assistance with a matter concerning

course, Mr. Delacroix. What do you need?” Tyler

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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