In the depths of the night, a sudden and magnificent brilliance erupted in the sky. This beam of light, bursting forth from the earth, shot up into the heavens, illuminating the dark canvas above.

Accompanying this celestial spectacle was a tremor that reverberated through the consciousness field of everyone present.

This tremor was followed by a deep and thunderous roar that resonated in the consciousness field of nearly one hundred thousand people across the realm.

“Execute Jared, and in return for his head, I shall grant a hundred years of offerings from my Demon Seal Alliance…”

The voice was unmistakably that of Talcott, the revered leader of the Demon Seal Alliance. This announcement, echoing in the consciousness field of many, stirred a wave of disbelief and shock.

In the quarters of the Five Great Sects, numerous individuals were jolted awake by this unexpected message.

the night. He murmured to himself in awe, “A century’s worth of offerings from the Demon

for its widespread influence across the Ethereal Realm, commanded vast resources. A hundred years of devoted offerings represented an almost limitless well of resources that could significantly

the grand hall, he couldn’t help but wonder aloud, “What could Jared have possibly done

hall, many leaders and members of the Five Great

gathering, his ence commanding

“I see we’ve all received the distant telepathy from the Demon Seal Alliance. What could Jared have done to draw such

but for the Demon Seal Alliance to offer a hundred years of offerings as a bounty, it suggests Jared

Moon Sect, speculated further, “Perhaps Jared is responsible for the death of Talcott’s son? What

Alliance’s century-long offerings now in play, our Five Great Sects stand to gain immensely. All we need to do is capture Jared and hand him over. This could secure our cultivation resources for years to come,”

move quickly to apprehend Jared before

remained contemplative

the Demon Seal Alliance’s offerings was undeniable, but apprehending Jared, with whom they held no personal

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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