After leaving the Summers residence, Jared and his companions hurried back to the Blood Spirit Valley at the fastest speed possible.

They didn’t take the airship, as it was too conspicuous and could easily be spotted by others.

Only after returning to the Blood Spirit Valley that Jared and his companions could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Upon seeing Jared and the others return, Rosetta quickly rushed to greet them. “Dad, Mr. Chance, you’re finally back. We’ve been worried sick.”

“Master, did you find the person who massacred many of our fellow apprentices?” Dalton asked.

He wished fervently that he could immediately avenge his fellow apprentices.

Igor shook his head. “We didn’t find them. The telepathic beast led us to the Five Great Sects, but it wasn’t their doing. They have only been here, leaving behind their aura.”

said, “Master, what should we

a sigh. He too was unsure

hand and see if we can travel back to the time when the

incantation to him. Jared himself wasn’t

“Mr. Chance, you’ve returned…”


nodded, then looked at Hanes with a vigilant

people knew that his worth now was equivalent to a hundred-year offering from the Demon Seal

transmission of the message was random, Jared believed that among the many people in Soulless Hall,

also tempted by the hundred-year offerings from the Demon Seal Alliance, Jared

years of offerings. However, Mr. Chance, please

Hanes, giving an awkward smile as he said, “Mr. Soulton, I trust you. You should continue to reside in the Blood Spirit Valley for now. It’s still safe here. Now that you’ve left the Demon Seal Alliance, the members of

comes a

Hanes expressed his gratitude.

Seal Alliance. Should it dare to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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