Particularly regarding the speed of time’s flow, there were instances when individuals perceived time as fleeting rapidly and other moments when it appeared to progress at a leisurely pace.

These were all perceptions of the passage of time, but they were merely coincidental. To be able to perceive the flow of time anywhere and anytime was no ordinary feat.

“Time never ceases. Its flow always feels the same. How can one possibly perceive it as fast or slow?”

Jared furrowed his brows, his expression showing great distress.

If he couldn’t perceive the passage of time, it would be incredibly difficult to activate this time magical item, let alone attempt to go back in time.

To uncover who exactly had annihilated the Blood Spirit Valley, they had to rely solely on the time magical item in Jared’s possession.

Jared felt as if his head was about to explode, so he walked over to the window and quietly looked outside.

Outside the window, there was a tree. Under the illumination of the moonlight, the shadow of the tree was cast into Jared’s room.

Jared gazed at the shadow of the large tree within the room, each leaf clear as day.

Jared watched quietly, becoming completely engrossed in no time.

among the shadows of these leaves, there was one leaf that was constantly

of this leaf evolved from a delicate bud into a

gaze toward the large tree. He saw that on one of its branches, leaves

in a detached manner, from their emergence as minuscule buds, their development into full-

were caught in an endless

in the leaves, Jared seemed to have

sunlight shone on Jared’s

a radiant glow, its hands whirling backward at

felt as though his soul had entered a time vortex, constantly being

time had stopped. He slowly opened

unexpectedly floating above the

Valley, cries of

Spirit Valley were engaged in a life- and-death

group of people, Jared was surprised to find Helmut from Bloodroot Peak, who was

filled with surprise. He had never imagined that the person responsible for

Spirit Valley would actually be from those at Bloodroot Peak, a sect that shared

back in time, no one would

the people of

clean up the scene and conceal their

Helmut suddenly looked up at the sky. He kept feeling as if a pair of eyes

anything. He could only hastily depart with the people from Bloodroot

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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