Although Igor had a very strained relationship with Helmut, if Igor were to find out about that matter, it would likely be very hard for him to bear!

After a moment of hesitation, Jared finally gritted his teeth and decided to tell Igor the


After all, the disciples of the Blood Spirit Valley had been slaughtered. Igor, as their master, had every right to know the truth!

“Mr. Lothian, I have discovered who slaughtered the Blood Spirit Valley!” Jared spoke slowly!

Upon hearing that, Igor quickly widened his eyes, anxiously asking, “Who was it?”

Rosetta and Dalton were both intently staring at Jared, especially Dalton. His fists were clenched tightly, ready to seek revenge the moment Jared spilled the beans!

“It was Bloodroot Peak. Helmut was responsible, Jared said.

How could it possibly be him?” Igor was taken aback, his face full

Rosetta and Dalton were utterly shocked. They simply couldn’t

Blood Spirit Valley. Many of the disciples in

had objections and was at odds with Igor, he wouldn’t have been mad enough to massacre the entire

and asked, “Mr. Chance, how could this be possible? Even if he harbored resentment toward the Blood Spirit Valley, he wouldn’t possibly act this way, would he? How did you come to know

simply cannot afford any

extinction. Just now, I

know how to

was deeply furrowed in worry. He trusted that Jared wouldn’t deceive him, yet he found it hard to believe that his own junior could actually commit such

possible that it was just a dream? Even if Mr. Koritnik is a bit of a rogue, he wouldn’t dare to do such a thing,

dream. I’m somewhat unsure myself!” Upon hearing that, all

knew that what he experienced was not a dream. He was certain he

unwilling to believe it at

in the past, and he was unable to use it again. If he wanted to use it once more, he would have to

Igor exclaimed, “Whether it was a dream or reality, it seemed I must make a trip to Bloodroot Peak to confront Helmut face to face. If it truly

you. When the time comes, we can confront

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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