Just as Helmut was preparing to lead his team to the Blood Spirit Valley, a disciple suddenly rushed over to report!

“Mr. Koritnik, Igor has arrived. H-He’s already at the door…” The disciple exclaimed in a flustered manner.

Upon hearing that Igor had taken the initiative to come, Helmut instantly became somewhat flustered. Ever since he left Blood Spirit Valley and established Bloodroot Peak, Igor had not once visited Bloodroot Peak!

Yet, they had taken the initiative to seek Helmut out, which gave him a sense of foreboding. It was highly likely that they had already discovered the massacre in the Blood Spirit Valley!

“How many people came?” Helmut asked!

“Three people…” the disciple replied!

Upon hearing there were three people, Helmut secretly let out a sigh of relief, then said, “Please, let them in…”

coming to seek retribution,

such a small force? If he truly knew that I was the one who slaughtered the inhabitants of the Blood Spirit Valley, then I would ensure that he would never leave this place.”

his skills. However, it

Helmut not to

Igor leading Montane

originally thought that Igor would bring

out to be someone

see Montane Daemon. Every time Helmut saw him, he couldn’t help but

his gaze back to Jared. He merely gave him a cursory glance before looking away. A

here all of a

roundabout tactics. He asked straightforwardly, “My disciples from Blood Spirit Valley were massacred. Not a single one was left alive. Did

Helmut stood up, his face filled with

at that moment, his heart was already in a state of panic. He hadn’t expected Igor to be so direct. However, it seemed that Igor was merely speculating, which was why Helmut

disgraceful and barbaric act, wouldn’t I be the laughingstock of all? You tell me, what exactly happened? If I find out who dared to lay a hand on the Blood Spirit Valley, I will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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