“Igor, wait a moment…” Upon seeing Igor about to leave, Helmut hurriedly chased after him!

“What do you have in mind?” Igor was vigilantly watching Helmut!

“Igor, you’ve come all this way to visit me. You really should stay a while before you leave. I also happened to have some matters to discuss with you!” Helmut took Igor by the arm and they both sat down!

“What’s the matter?” Igor had always maintained a stern expression!

Even if Helmut wouldn’t have been the one to handle the matters of the Blood Spirit Valley, Igor wouldn’t have shown Helmut any kindness either!

“Igor, I heard that the guy named Jared seems to be in your Blood Spirit Valley, isn’t he? Moreover, during this period, it seemed like he was always with you.” Helmut asked Igor.

Igor looked at Helmut warily and asked, “What do you want with Mr. Chance?”

didn’t you hear any

knew what Helmut meant, but he pretended not to understand

hundred years of patronage from the Alliance. Do you know how vast the resources offered by Demon Seal Alliance over a century are? If we could get our hands on these resources, you could rebuild the Valley of Blood Spirits, and it would be many times stronger than it

dare you harbor ill intentions toward Mr. Chance? You should know your worth.” Upon hearing Helmut’s intention to strike against Jared, Montane Daemon, who

Eighth Level Tribulator cultivator, and so Montane Daemon was not

startled by a cold huff from Montane Daemon. After all,

century-long tribute from Demon Seal Alliance? With these resources, if we divide them among ourselves, it would be quite easy to reach Ultimate Realm!”

who could resist the allure

that. Even if I were to ascend into immortals, I still wouldn’t stand a chance against Mr. Chance.”

Helmut no longer paid attention to Montane Daemon. As long as Igor agreed, the

didn’t believe Montane Daemon could go against two Eighth Level Tribulator

once-in-a-century offering, an opportunity that won’t come again if

was right beside him at that moment, watching him

just a hundred, I will never betray Mr. Chance.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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