“It’s so soothing!”

With a long sigh, Skylar then turned his gaze toward Pablo.

Pablo felt Skylar’s gaze. A shiver involuntarily ran through his heart, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably.

Pablo was somewhat frightened, so he said with a trembling voice, “What are you planning to do? Remember, it was I who brought you here. Without me, how could your strength have possibly grown so quickly?”

“So, I should be thanking you, then?” Skylar laughed sinisterly. Step by step, he advanced toward Pablo.

“You don’t need to thank me. All you need to do is let me go, and this cave will be yours. Without the method, no one else can enter. Moreover, whenever a Demonic Cultivator passes by, there will be a force that draws them in. You could simply wait in ambush, and everything would fall into place.”

Pablo was begging for mercy.

you to restore my physical body. I’ve grown weary of this aged shell

suddenly made a move

no time to dodge, and he was directly grabbed by the

him, filled with immense regret.

as it seemed Pablo was about to die, he suddenly seemed to remember something. He hurriedly said, “Don’t kill me. If you want to restore your physical body, you need the Demonia Stone. Using the Demonia Stone to restore your body will make it incredibly strong. You’re already a Top Level Tribulator, and it won’t be long before you ascend to the Ultimate Realm. By then, the physical body you’ve restored simply won’t be able

he immediately let

Pablo was coughing violently.

the Demonia Stone?”

arrived at Demonia Mountain, and to be precise, he hadn’t been in Ethereal

explaining to Jared the formidable aspects of the Demonia Stone, which instantly piqued Skylar’s interest

long as I get the Demonia Stone, I will spare

don’t know where the Demonia Stone is,” he confessed. “This Demonia Stone is incredibly precious. It’s located at the peak of Demonia Mountain and extremely difficult to find!” Pablo

“If you don’t know, then lead me to search for it. If we can’t find

shuddered, and he nodded repeatedly, saying, “All right, I’ll take

to deceive me or play

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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