Soul Demon Sect was a sect that was not particularly large. Most of the buildings were constructed from piles of stones, and there wasn’t even a decent mountain gate to speak of.

It seemed that life in Soul Demon Sect was quite challenging. It was evident that living deep within Demonia Mountain was far more difficult than at the foot of the mountain.

Had it not been for the ostracization and scorn they faced, perhaps Soul Demon Sect would not have moved to such a harsh land.

“Mr. Chadwick, the conditions deep within Demonia Mountain are far more challenging than at the foot of the mountain. I apologize if it appears a bit crude to you,” Serena said awkwardly.

Jared gave a faint smile and said, “Ms. Pruitt, as cultivators, we should prioritize our cultivation above all else. Everything else is merely fleeting, like smoke in the wind.”

At that time, outside the gate of Soul Demon Sect, over a dozen cultivators were waiting.

It was safe to assume they were waiting for Serena and Clifford.

A slender figure who appeared to be malnourished, a member of Soul Demon Sect, said anxiously, “Clifford, Serena, you’re finally back. Master is not doing well, and Dr. Livingstone has been urging us to find you!”

toward the sect’s

following behind, Jared also decided to

that moment, the entire Soul Demon Sect was already in complete chaos,

behind Serena and Clifford. After all, he

followed two people into a slightly larger room, where he saw an elderly man with

face looked extremely distressed. His breathing was very weak, and the aura within his body had

gave off a feeling of being on his last legs instead of suffering from any

“Master! Master!”

bedside, tears streaming uncontrollably from their eyes. On one side of the bed, a slightly overweight middle-aged man was taken aback

the slightly plump man said, “Ms. Pruitt, I wonder if you

Livingstone, I have it! I

out the wooden box, then took out the Demonia

lit up. Without hesitation, he took the Demonia Dragon Ginseng

“Everyone, please leave.

Serena and Clifford, despite

the room was closed, and then, Stephen began to administer treatment in the

Soul Demon

Serena, why have you taken so long to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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