At that moment, a sudden burst of light flickered within the room, immediately followed by a long, resonating sound.

As the door creaked open, Stephen said slowly, “You may all come in now. Mr. Pruitt has already awakened…”

Serena and Clifford quickly rushed in when they heard that.


The two individuals lay at the head of the bed, crying with intense emotion.

At that moment, Trystan Pruitt’s complexion was glowing, even his white hair had turned black, as if he had suddenly become many years younger.

ago, he was an elderly man with white hair, on the brink of death. But in an instant, he had transformed

See, I’m already fine!” Trystan said with

and Clifford were

furrowed his brows, then, as if recalling something, he asked the two, “Where are the fellow disciples who went with

made the two

said, “Master, all the other brothers have been sucked into Demon Devouring


the Demonia Dragon Ginseng with Clifford, we were suddenly pursued by a few individuals who appeared out of nowhere. They were after our Demonia Dragon Ginseng. Moreover, these people all possessed Soulbinding Beads. The techniques Clifford and I practiced were simply ineffective against them. Soulbinding Beads belong to our Soul Demon Sect. There must

instantly seething with rage

of the sect. Anyone who disobeys will be treated as a traitor and dealt with accordingly. am determined to find out who betrayed our sect. I will tear him

at bay. It’s not good for your health. Since you’re all right now, Mr. Pruitt, it’s time

indebted to you and we have no means to repay you. Rest assured, if there’s ever a time when you need my

feet, expressing

polite. As an alchemist, it’s only right for me to treat and save people. There’s no need for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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