Just as Stephen was preparing to leave, Jared suddenly said, “Wait…”

Everyone was taken aback, then their gaze shifted onto Jared. Trystan slightly furrowed his brows and asked, “Clifford, who is this person?”

Upon a single glance, Trystan recognized that Jared was not a member of Soul Demon Sect.

“Master, this gentleman, Mr. Chadwick, is the savior of Serena and me. We were ambushed on our journey, and he was the one who rescued us. When I was injured, it was Mr. Chadwick who treated me. He is also an alchemist,” Clifford hastily explained.

Upon hearing that Jared was an alchemist, and moreover, the savior of Serena and Clifford, Trystan became extremely courteous.

you enough.


serious expression, Jared said to Trystan, “Mr. Pruitt, in reality, your health has not improved, nor have you been suffering from any illness. It seems that your life is nearing its end. You are on the brink of death. As for this so-called Dr. Livingstone, he did not administer the Demonia Dragon

Jared, “What did you say? Are you cursing my

furrowed his brows, then

medicine. Everyone in the depths of Demonia Mountain knows me! How dare you question me? You claim I didn’t provide Mr. Pruitt with the Demonia Dragon Ginseng. Do you have any evidence? You accuse me of causing Mr. Pruitt to burn his life force. What proof do you have? Are you relying solely on your baseless allegations?” Stephen

incredibly difficult to produce

any evidence. The Demonia Dragon Ginseng has been tossed into your item pouch, so I can’t find it. Unless you willingly take out your item pouch for inspection, or I kill you and inspect your item pouch myself. As for burning one’s life force, there’s no way to prove it now. However, in two days, Mr. Pruitt’s health will deteriorate once

turned to Trystan, saying, “Mr. Pruitt, I kindly offered to treat you out of goodwill, yet this

perhaps Mr. Chadwick has made a mistake. Please

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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