Stephen, in one fell swoop, emptied everything from his item pouch. However, the Demonia Dragon Ginseng was not among the items inside.

Stephen grew increasingly agitated as he spoke, shouting loudly at Jared, “Look inside and see if there’s any Demonia Dragon Ginseng! I’ve been practicing medicine for decades, and no one has ever questioned me like this before.”

This left Jared feeling somewhat embarrassed. He was certain that he had sensed the aura of the Demonia Dragon Ginseng on Stephen.

However, there was no trace of the Demonia Dragon Ginseng then, and even the aura of the Demonia Dragon Ginseng had vanished from Stephen.

“Dr. Livingstone, please don’t be upset. We believe in you…”

Trystan comforted Stephen, then subtly signaled for Serena and Clifford to escort Jared away.

Jared had saved Serena and Clifford before.

Stephen, on the other hand, had supposedly saved Trystan.

Trystan didn’t want to

their cultivation technique was peculiar that they faced ostracism from everyone else. This led them to retreat deep

away, while Jared

going one, but he had no way

reached the end of his lifespan. It wasn’t due to any illness, and there was nothing Jared could

to note that even cultivators had a

possessed the strength of a Tribulator. His lifespan was dwindling, so it

At this rate, you’ll die in three days. If you stop now, you might be able to hold on for a while longer. Perhaps during that time, I could find a way to help you through this period of decline

If indeed I have reached the twilight of my life, it is simply the course of fate. There’s nothing

Serena and Clifford, saying, “You two accompany Mr. Chadwick and show him around our sect. When evening comes, I will personally entertain Mr.

“Understood, Master…”

the situation, Jared was also helpless. Since he’s not afraid of death, why should I

Clifford out of

Sect wasn’t particularly large, nor was it splendid, so there wasn’t much

Trystan used this

although our Soul Demon

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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