Serena pursed her lips into a smile and said, “Mr. Chadwick, I didn’t mean to criticize your friend. Let’s go…”

Serena moved forward, with Jared following closely behind.

Soon, they arrived at a field of flowers and grass. This place exuded a peculiarly refreshing fragrance, a scent that made Jared feel incredibly invigorated.

It wasn’t just his body. It felt as if even his soul had undergone a baptism. This sense of comfort, Jared simply couldn’t put it into words.

Within the consciousness field, Faiyar suddenly exclaimed, “These flowers are quite peculiar. Why do I feel as though I’m filled with strength?”

Jared was surrounded by a surge of spiritual energy. With a casual wave of his hand, a flower bud flew toward him. Jared effortlessly caught it in his hand.

The flower was a shade of pink, with four petals spread apart, and at its center, there was a pistil.

“What a

can fortify the soul, and they can also aid in the formation of a spiritual body. If a person with a fragmented soul

soul-shaping process,

wanted to return to the real world, he

Faiyar wasn’t capable of that, and

a suitable physical body to possess. However, doing so would require living an entire lifetime using someone else’s

that the soul flowers before him could actually aid in the formation of a soul

also sensed something unusual about Faiyar, then turned to Serena and asked, “Ms. Pruitt, do you

of the soul remnant shouldn’t be too high. Otherwise, the failure rate would

my friend here possibly reconstruct his physical body? He is merely in Body

and during this period, he had greatly assisted Jared. Much

Jared still hoped he could reconstruct Faiyar’s physical

a physical body, Faiyar could finally pursue his

course, it’s possible,” Serena said. “However, only my master is capable of physical body restoration. Well, since

master dislikes being in someone’s debt the most. I’ll ask for you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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