With her face flushed, Serena said to Jared, “Mr. Chadwick, you still haven’t found a piece of clothing for your friend…”

After all, Faiyar was standing in front of her completely naked, which made Serena extremely shy.

Realizing what was happening, Jared hurriedly found a piece of clothing and draped it over Faiyar.

Trystan also channeled a surge of spiritual energy into this body, which finally roused Faiyar from his deep slumber.

However, at that moment, half of the soul flowers in the entire cluster had already vanished.

In order to restore Faiyar’s physical body, Trystan had expended a great deal of effort. After all, as a friend of Jared, Trystan had to do this out of respect for Jared.

has ascended several cultivation levels all at once. My master used half of his soul flowers to restore it. You should know that when others restore their physical bodies,

newly restored physical body, and was overwhelmed with excitement. He immediately knelt before Trystan. “Mr. Pruitt, your kindness in giving me a second chance, I, Faiyar, will forever remember in

in respect to

please rise quickly. I am doing this out of respect for Mr. Chadwick. He has saved my life, so I am

bowed deeply to Jared, saying, “Mr. Chance, thank you. Following you during this period

that Jared had long since changed his

all turned their gaze toward Jared at the same

was taken aback, realizing that he had misspoken. His face flushed with

“Actually, my last name isn’t Chadwick. It’s Chance. My name

finished speaking, his appearance rapidly changed,

his identity was because he trusted Soul Demon Sect, and

has been worshipping for a century, and now seeks to kill?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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