“To the Demon Devouring Cave?”

Upon hearing Jared’s intentions, Trystan and the others were all taken aback.

After all, Demon Devouring Cave was considered a forbidden place in Demonia Mountain. No one wished to venture to that place.

If it weren’t for the purpose of saving Trystan, Serena and Clifford would not have led people to dig for Demonia Dragon Ginseng near the Demon Devouring Cave.

In the end, everyone was sucked into the Demon Devouring Hole, with only the two of them managing to escape unscathed.

And yet, they still ended up being deceived.

Trystan asked, “Mr. Chance, if I may ask. Why do you want to go to Demon Devouring Cave? That place is quite peculiar.”

“I simply want to explore the Demon Devouring Cave to see if there are any hidden secrets within it. That’s because, after some of the people who emerged from the Demon Devouring Cave after entering it, their cultivation level greatly improved. I figure there must be secrets hidden within the Demon Devouring Cave,” Jared said without holding back any arcane array.

was bullied by everyone, became formidable now because he entered the Demon

unaware that

the Demon Devouring Cave. It’s certainly dangerous to enter recklessly. If it’s just for the sake of investigation,

Chance, I agreed with Clifford. You really shouldn’t go. Demon Devouring

is no longer in danger, it’s time for me to embark on my journey. However, I’m not sure where Demon Devouring Cave is located. I

no choice but to reveal the location of Demon Devouring Cave

Instead, he

Chance, this is Soul Demon Sect’s largest Soulbinding Bead. Take it with you. This bead not only strengthens your soul but also enables you to withstand the attacks of those Soul Capturing Techniques,” Trystan said, handing over the

not stand on ceremony. He accepted the Soulbinding Bead

who had successfully restored himself. He knew how fond Faiyar was of Serena. If Faiyar wished to

Devouring Cave. Even if I’m going to leave you, it’ll only be

without saying

had been by Jared’s side for so long, and Jared had witnessed all the changes that

to Demon Devouring Cave. It’s a very secluded place. Even though I’ve told you the exact location, I’m still afraid you might not be able to find it.” Upon seeing that Faiyar wanted to follow Jared to Demon Devouring

saw the naked Faiyar upon his

time seeing a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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