Although Clifford hadn’t said much along the way, deep down, he had already developed a profound hatred for Faiyar.

Originally, he intended to win over Serena, but now, after Faiyar, a mere soul remnant, restored his physical body, the latter began acting lovey- dovey with Serena.

Clifford followed Jared and the others to the vicinity of Demon Devouring Cave in silence.

Serena pointed ahead and reminded Jared, “Mr. Chance, as you move forward, you’ll reach the area of Demon Devouring Cave. Therefore, you must stay alert. You never know when a strange suction force might suddenly appear and pull you into the cave.”

“Oka. I understand.” Jared nodded, then slowly proceeded forward.

Faiyar trailed behind Jared but was abruptly held back by Serena. “You’ve just restored your physical body, and your cultivation level is too low. You better not go in. We’ll follow Mr. Chance instead.”

Serena wore a face full of worry, concerned that Faiyar’s cultivation level was too low and that he might be in danger.

fine. With Mr. Chance here,

that Jared was truly the Chosen One. Regardless of the dangers he encountered, Jared always managed to resolve the

took off the gem hanging in front of her chest

it will help you fend off attacks from the likes of divine

gently took Serena’s

Clifford was seething with rage and clenching his teeth with intense

romantic display between Faiyar and Serena. His

a strange force

the force transformed into a

felt a lightness in their bodies before swiftly being

force hastily. Each of them clung tightly to a large tree, determined

He allowed his aura to dissipate entirely, becoming just like an

dispersed the

the others, they were all desperately resisting,

were suspended in mid- air, seemingly on the verge of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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