“Could it all have been an illusion?” Jared furrowed his brows, then his consciousness instantly plunged into the consciousness field!

When he saw the old man, he realized that what he had experienced was not an illusion at all.

“Mr. Chance, what do you mean by illusion? I just practiced the techniques inscribed on this stone wall, and I feel that these techniques are very unique. Some parts seem to make no sense at all. Could you please explain it to me, Mr. Chance?” Faiyar turned to Jared, seeking advice.

“First, make copies of these techniques. I’ll explain them to you later!” Jared instructed Faiyar to make an imprint of the techniques from the stone wall!

Then he glanced at Serena and Clifford, who were building a tomb for their deceased fellow disciples. He addressed them, “Once a person is dead, they cannot be revived. Since they are already gone, building a tomb won’t serve any purpose. It would be better to cremate them, to prevent their bodies from becoming food for wild beasts!”

Upon hearing Jared’s words, both Clifford and Serena came to a halt!

If all the dozen or so disciples of Soul Demon Sect were to have their graves built out of stones, it would indeed take a considerable amount of time!

The two individuals remained silent. Jared, on the other hand, conjured a demonic fire, setting ablaze the corpses of Soul Demon Sect’s disciples!

corpse was set ablaze by Jared. Rather than letting it slowly decay, it was better to end it swiftly with

done, Faiyar also made rubbings of the techniques

led them away from

companions had barely stepped out of the Demon

Devouring Cave was

the others gazed upon the collapsed Demon

discover anything within the Demon Devouring Cave? Apart

was not in vain…”

obtained the old man’s soul remnant, a

were possible to restore the old man’s memory, that

along with Faiyar, hurried back to Soul Demon Sect. All along the way, Serena was affectionately

Demon Sect, Jared immediately sought out Trystan. He hoped that

Trystan could remove the shackles from the old man’s soul

soul was

to Jared and asked, “Mr. Chance, I heard your recent journey to the

gain, really. The few techniques inscribed on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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