“I’ll give it a try, but I’ve never helped a soul remnant regain its memory before, so I can’t guarantee full success!” Even Trystan couldn’t guarantee it.

After all, he had never done something like that before!

“All right, thank you very much, Mr. Pruitt!” Jared nodded in agreement!

Since he had to help the old man recover his memory, Jared decided to stay temporarily at Soul Demon Sect.

Faiyar was also in Soul Demon Sect, closely following Serena with affection!

That made the anger in Clifford’s heart grow increasingly intense!

Three days after Jared arrived at Soul Demon Sect, it was only then that Trystan led Jared into an underground secret chamber!

crucibles were emitting wisps of blue smoke, filling the entire room with their ethereal

blue haze, Jared didn’t feel choked at all. On the contrary, this blue

see if I can help

let it out now?” Jared was taken

leave Jared’s consciousness field. Since he couldn’t

in his consciousness field

be released at that moment, and it didn’t

within you, I can’t manipulate it. However, rest assured, even if that soul remnant leaves your body, it cannot escape this place. Within these four crucibles, the substance being burned was none other than soul flower pollen. It took over a thousand years to gather this amount. The lingering soul, steeped in the fumes of soul flower pollen, might just be able to regain

hearing Trystan speak in that manner, Jared finally felt a

have agreed to reside within you, I will not flee. If you truly assist me in regaining

spoke within

right, you’ve just heard it yourself. Don’t even think about escaping from here, or else your soul remnant will dissipate, and you will truly vanish forever.” Jared spoke

my memory, I’m not foolish.” The elder was growing

he could understand why he


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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