“What a fool, he really thought I would help him commit murder.”

Stephen gave a cold, dismissive laugh.

In Ethereal Realm, many were selfish and untrustworthy, let alone the cultivators of Demonia Mountain.

Given that Clifford actually dared to trust others easily, he truly deserved to be deceived.

All Stephen and the others cared about was Jared. All they needed to do was to hand Jared over to Demon Seal Alliance.

At this point, they did not want any unexpected complications from assisting Clifford in killing Faiyar.

After Trystan and the others had left, Stephen slowly made his way to Jared.

“Kid, your Disguising Technique is impressive. It looks just like the real thing. However, no matter how well you hide yourself, we still managed to find you, didn’t we?” Stephen said with a snigger.

“So what if I’m discovered?” Jared asked nonchalantly.

“What can you possibly do now?” he taunted. “You’re trapped in my arcane array, with no choice but to surrender. Once you do, I can exchange you for the hundred-year offering from Demon Seal Alliance.”

of Demon Seal Alliance, he was filled

“Me, trapped?”

lips curled into

little arcane array can hold me,” Jared said as he gently pressed his hand against the arcane

followed by streaks of golden light flickering. The arcane array collapsed in

scene, Stephen and the others

How is

his eyes, his face full of

price is a high-level

This is nothing. more than a broken arcane

“It could be possible…”

Stephen nodded in agreement.

easily. There must have been a

the arcane array, we are not afraid

a Second Level Tribulator, one of the cultivators sneered. With a cold

was instantly unleashed, swallowing Jared in a

are being so cautious. One palm strike and it’s all over

puzzled. They hadn’t expected Jared to be so easy to deal with. With this level

out from the roaring fire, much


who had made the move felt a sudden warmth in his chest. Looking down, he was shocked to discover that his chest had been scorched by crimson flames, leaving a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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