“W-Why are you looking at me? I told you that this guy isn’t simple. Otherwise, the Demon Seal Alliance wouldn’t have offered a hundred years of worship!” Marco exclaimed hastily.

Stephen was momentarily speechless. He hadn’t expected Jared to be so formidable. With just one move, he had slain a Sixth Level Tribulator despite being only a Second Level Tribulator.

Isn’t this a bit outrageous?

“We’ve been fooled! We’ve definitely been duped! This guy is not Jared at all. It must be the Soul Demon Sect. They must have found out that I tricked them out of their Demonia Dragon Ginseng, so they deliberately staged this act. He must be a master brought in by the Soul Demon Sect, luring us into making a move!” Stephen roared loudly.

He couldn’t believe that Jared, a Second Level Tribulator, truly had such capabilities. It was highly likely that it was a trap from the very beginning.

Clifford had deliberately informed them, his sole intention being to provoke them into action.

that being the case, even if they were all


say that, Marco also looked

he simply smiled and said, “I

Jared finished speaking, his appearance began to gradually change,

corners of Stephen’s mouth twitched, his complexion turning even more

indeed Jared. We have no choice but to fight with all we’ve got. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. If we

“All right, we must join forces and kill him. Today, it’s either him or us who will perish. I

regained his confidence,

pitch in, and don’t hold back!” Marco told the other

“All right!”

cultivators nodded in agreement, unleashing their

the four people in front of him, all fully prepared. Instead, there was a hint of disdain in his eyes

moment, the soul remnant of Vermilion Demon Lord said, “Young man, kill them and absorb their death energy immediately. I’m residing in your consciousness field with no resources at all. At this rate, I reckon that this remnant of my soul will have vanished before I can

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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