The giant, clutching a scepter, donned a crown of purple and gold. His face was extremely fierce, resembling a great demon lord.

Upon witnessing this scene, Trystan couldn’t help but exclaim in shock, “Demon Summoning!”

“Master, what is Demon Summoning?” Serena asked curiously.

Trystan explained, “This is the ultimate skill of Demonia Sect. Demonia Sect has always resided on Demonia Mountain. Their ability to survive in the depths of Demonia Mountain for thousands of years is all thanks to Demon Summoning. Legend has it that the demon lord manifested from Demon Summoning is not only the protector of Demonia Sect but also the very demon lord that Demonia Mountain suppressed. It is due to this demon lord’s protection that Demonia Sect is able to survive for thousands of years. The moment Mr. Zaffino made his move, he used his best technique. It seems he knows that his opponent isn’t easy to handle…”

Upon hearing this, Faiyar couldn’t help but chuckle inwardly. There is no way this great demon lord could possibly be the one suppressed by Demonia Mountain, let alone the guardian of Demonia Sect! The demon lord that has been suppressed beneath Demonia Mountain is indeed Vermilion Demon Lord from Jared’s memories.

However, such a legend was likely circulated by Demonia Sect themselves, probably just an attempt to boost their own reputation.

“Brat, you’ve killed an elder from Demonia Sect, and now you’re after Demonia Stone. You’re absolutely despicable. Today, let Demonia Sect’s guardian demon take your life!”

After Norman finished speaking, the towering demon behind him leaped into action. With a forceful swing, he aimed his mighty scepter directly at Skylar.

With a body spanning several meters, Skylar felt as insignificant as an ant in front of the demon.

demon, Jared surprisingly

a deceptive trick. Is this how your sect manages to survive? By relying on such tricks?” With a cold chuckle, Skylar vanished in an instant, only to reappear suspended in

frail figure, stood up to the giant


cluster of black mist, which instantly transformed into

spirit moved like a shooting star, heading straight


remained suspended in mid-air,

brief pause, a sudden roar erupted

with a thunderous voice and promptly

had returned to the ground,

that moment, blood trickled from the corner of Norman’s mouth. He had never imagined that his ultimate skill would fail to withstand even a single move

this moment, Skylar’s heart was swelling with immense emotion. “Hand over Demonia Stone,

asserted his dominance from the very beginning, seizing what


about to refuse, but suddenly, Skylar’s figure appeared before

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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